Sunday, December 18, 2011

Cable companies and you.

I have heard from several of my friends that certain cable companies are trying to throttle people's connections.  This isn't a recent thing, as companies have tried this in the past.  However, it seems to be that there is a recent push from ALL the internet providers to "Throttle" people's bandwidth.

Of course this was tried on the past.  And it was universally shot down by people switching to carriers who did not throttle their bandwidth.  This sent a message to internet providers that we would not accept any bandwidth less than we paid for.

Enter the new era.  Since some internet providers have been able to survive even though they throttled their users bandwidth, the major carriers think they can do it to.

Normally this would be tried by a few carriers, and the public would express their displeasure with this by moving to another ISP.

Unfortunately, by tacit understanding all major ISP's are adopting this policy.  They are doing this for the sake of profit, and our implied bandwidth be damned.

Who would in this day and age subscribe to a service who would limit their bandwidth?  The answer is: only people who had no other option.

-Cryptotich, Out

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

I must be getting old or the interfaces must start to suck.  It could really be one or the other.

I am clarly a cranky o;d man,  but my read on the Israeli/Iranian situation is this...   Iran can not loose.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

GOLD? Really?

People are now rushing to buy GOLD, because they think it's something stable and will always be a good investment. But they are wrong. GOLD is just as meaningless as any other form of "Money". GOLD only has value for the same reason that we give value to paper money, and that is because we agree that it has value.

If I am hungry, try giving me a GOLD brick, for my bread. If I am trying to provide shelter for my Family, would a GOLD brick be worth the logs needed to build my house? Will a GOLD brick give cloak me when I am cold?

I could sit on a throne of GOLD, but GOLD can't feed me by itself, or shelter me by itself, or cloth me, by itself.

GOLD is just as much a Lie as Money itself.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Free market Economies

The great fallacy of the "Free Market Economy" is that it benefits ALL people. It doesn't... It only benefits those who are in position to take advantage of it.

Lower class people, the ones that need jobs... they don't benefit at all. In fact, all Free Market Economics does is consolidate jobs into a narrow strata. If you are not already in the company who eats another company, you get screwed, and you loose your job.

The whole primes of "Free Economics" is based on equal opportunity, everyone has the same access to the same resources. And that is where it all breaks down.

There is no equal access to the raw materials, at the same price, and there is no "Fair Trade"

And you wonder why people riot?

UK Riots

The riots have hit my wife's home town in England, fucking brilliant.

America, laughs as they don't understand why the riots started in the first place.

Friday, March 18, 2011

You have no idea how many hoops I had to go through to get to this point.

We all have to go through the "Security Word", business to log in. On one hand, that is an important part of the security process. I't makes it harder for people trying to hack your account.

On the other hand... I AM 41Years Old,

I went through 45+ log in attempts because I missed the "Security Word".

Google, maybe you have the eyes of an Eagle, but when I start being able not to see the words, who else cant see them?