Saturday, January 28, 2012

Single issue Voters

Personalty I think that anyone who places their vote on a single issue is a fucking idiot.

Now an interesting statistic I would like to see, is how many single issue voters there are between Republicans and Democrats.

I already know the answer.  There are far more single issue voters on the Right.  Which means there are far more fucking idiots on the Right.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Political Pandering

People on the Right do it, and People on the Left do it...  So what exactly is "IT".

"Pandering" is when you say what people want to hear, even if you don't believe it yourself.

Look up "Pander" In the Dictionary:

pan·der  (pndr)intr.v. pan·dered, pan·der·ing, pan·ders
1. To act as a go-between or liaison in sexual intrigues; function as a procurer.
2. To cater to the lower tastes and desires of others or exploit their weaknesses:

Focus on #2.

So many people are "Issue Voters".  And by that I mean they will vote one way or another just based on a single issue.

I hate to call people out, but this seems to be a "Republican" Problem.  The right wing tends to take a firm stance on certain subjects, and the rest of the issues be dammed.

You could for instance run on an entire platform of any one of these issues:

1.  Abortion should not be legal.
2.  The 2nd Amendment gives us rights to gun ownership.
3.  The US Government should be small.
4.  Regulation is strangling our businesses.

The surprising thing is that most people believe in at least 1 of those tenents.

Here is how I respond to them.

1.  Abortion is NOT a legal issue, it is a MORAL issue.  The only people who are opposed to Abortion are people doing it on a Religious standpoint.  Our founding Fathers were pretty clear on this...  You can't outlaw something on a Religious basis.

2.  Gun Ownership.  The Second Amendment states "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

IMHO this states to me that you must have Armed people, to be able to form a "Well Regulated Militia".  IE, Armed People are intrinsic to a "Well Formed Militia".

3,  I totally agree that the Bureaucracy, that is our Government, is unwieldy and overburdened.

So where do we place the blame?   We are to blame.  Somewhere along the line it became Politically expedient to bloat our Government.  Why?  So Money could be put in certain pockets.

4.  Regulations....  Let me put it this way...  If we had proper regulations in place... Enron wouldn't have happened, and frankly there would be no need for Bank Bailouts.

The Fact is, that our Political System Panders to the people who have money.  And Those people, don't care about you and me...  They only care about making more money.


Monday, January 9, 2012

Christians and the New Covenant.

It to this day astonishes me that Christians cling to the "Old Testament" principals to excuse their current behavior.

The truth is that if you are a True Christian, you must accept the Covenant of Christ.  You must accept the beliefs of Jesus, and let go of the punishments of the old testament. 

The Sun of God, has declared that those are of the past, and that something new is in place.

Jesus has declared that NO ONE is beyond saving.  Which is a pretty good argument against capital punishment.

I am not a Christian in the traditional sense, in fact, I don't practice religion at all.  I am only responding to a growing segment of the population that reads the old testament as literal truth, while ignoring the whole puropse of Jesus. 

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

The Divide between "Conservative" and "Liberal"

I hate labels.

Every "Republican" is automatically called a "Conservative", and every Democrat is called a "Liberal".  Yet the reality of the situation, is far more complex than that.

Conservatism, by definition, is a political philosophy that resists change.  Conservative people resist radical changes to the political structure, and advocate slow changes to our laws.  The philosophy being that the less radical the changes, the better the country is able to adapt. 

Yet somehow, the actual meaning of the term has been hijacked by the Republican Party, to mean something entirely different.  In fact, the Republican party is advocating a radical change, from current policy.

In this case, the Democratic party is actually more Conservative than the Republican Party.  They want to keep current policies in place.

Both political parties are trying to shove people into a particular Party, based on single issues.

1.  If for religious reasons, you are against Abortion in any form, you are automatically a Conservative.  If you believe in "Woman's Choice" you are a Liberal.

2.  If you believe in the 2nd Amendment, you are a Conservative.  If you believe in "Regulated Gun Ownership" you are Obviously a Liberal.

3.  If you believe that "God" is an issue for the Church, and not the School, you are obviously a Liberal.

4.  If you believe in regulation, you are a Liberal, if you think "Free Market Capitalism"  is the only way to go, your are a "Conservative".

Here are my responses to those issues...

1.  I am clearly pro choice.  Why you ask me?  So now I am a "Liberal"

2.  I believe in the right to bear arms, and that it should be regulated by the Federal Government.  I think that everyone can agree that no one should be in possession of a fully Automatic .50 Cal.  So some regulation is required.

3. GOD is a matter for the Church, not the School.  While I grew up with the Pledge of Allegiance, I grew up in the 1970's and had NO idea that there were any other religions than Christianity at the time.   Now I know better, and I think we should respect other religions, by not using that particular wordage.

4.  Capitalism is a fine system when you are on the top part of it, but if you are on the bottom part, it sucks.